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emerald shiner การใช้

"emerald shiner" แปล  
  • The identifying characteristic of the emerald shiner is the silvery emerald color on its sides.
  • Bluegill, yellow perch, and emerald shiner make up the bulk of the forage base.
  • Plains Shiner ( " Notropis percobromus " ) was recently incorporated into the Emerald Shiner species designation.
  • Fish species known to inhabit the river include northern pike, white suckers, flathead minnows, emerald shiners as well as others.
  • The name of the emerald shiner comes from the greenish emerald band that expands from the back of the gill cover to the tail.
  • During its early stages in Lake Erie, it has been shown to compete with yellow perch, the trout-perch, and the emerald shiner.
  • Other common names include : Buckery Shiner, Common Emerald Shiner, Lake Shiner, Lake Silver Side, Plains Shiner, River Emerald Shiner, Shiner.
  • Other common names include : Buckery Shiner, Common Emerald Shiner, Lake Shiner, Lake Silver Side, Plains Shiner, River Emerald Shiner, Shiner.
  • Common emerald shiner ( " Notropis atherinoides atherinoides " ) : Common shiners are most abundant in the Great Lakes of North America, primarily Lake Erie.
  • This type of minnow has a short, rounded snout, the only difference between the common emerald shiner and the silver shiner is that the silver shiner has a longer snout and a larger eye.
  • The North American genotype of the virus, in addition to moderate mortality to salmonid species, including various varieties of trout, is also proving virulent among a wide variety of warm-water species previously considered resistant to VHS . The Great Lakes region variant has killed lake trout, steelhead trout, chinook salmon, yellow perch, gobies, emerald shiners, muskies, whitefish, and walleye.
  • Sport fishing is allowed in Cold Lake ( brook stickleback, burbot, emerald shiner, fathead minnow, finescale dace, Iowa darter, lake trout, lake whitefish, logperch, longnose sucker, ninespine stickleback, northern pike, northern redbelly dace, slimy sculpin, spoonhead sculpin, spottail shiner, tullibee ( cisco ), walleye, white sucker, yellow perch ) and Medley River ( brook stickleback, burbot, emerald shiner, fathead minnow, finescale dace, lake chub, logperch, longnose sucker, northern redbelly dace, pearl dace, rainbow trout, spoonhead sculpin, spottail shiner, white sucker ).
  • Sport fishing is allowed in Cold Lake ( brook stickleback, burbot, emerald shiner, fathead minnow, finescale dace, Iowa darter, lake trout, lake whitefish, logperch, longnose sucker, ninespine stickleback, northern pike, northern redbelly dace, slimy sculpin, spoonhead sculpin, spottail shiner, tullibee ( cisco ), walleye, white sucker, yellow perch ) and Medley River ( brook stickleback, burbot, emerald shiner, fathead minnow, finescale dace, lake chub, logperch, longnose sucker, northern redbelly dace, pearl dace, rainbow trout, spoonhead sculpin, spottail shiner, white sucker ).
  • Fish species in the Lac Desch阯es area include : American brook lamprey, banded killifish, black bullhead, black crappie, blackchin shiner, blacknose shiner, bluegill, bluntnose shiner, brook stickleback, brown bullhead, brown trout, burbot, central mudminnow, channel catfish, channel darter, common carp, common shiner, creek chub, eastern silvery minnow, emerald shiner, fallfish, fathead minnow, golden shiner, Iowa darter, johnny darter, lake herring, lake sturgeon, largemouth bass, logperch, longnose dace, longnose gar, longnose sucker, mimic shiner, mooneye, mottled sculpin, muskellunge, ninespice stickleback, northern pike, pumpkinseed, river redhorse, rock bass, rosyface shiner, sauger, shorthead redhorse, silver redhorse, small mouth bass, walleye, white sucker, yellow bullhead, and yellow perch.